Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jumping Back in With Both Feet...

    I am thrilled to say that I recently re-entered the Library world and I couldn't be happier.  It's been just a few short months since I started my new (old) job and I am happy to say that I am enjoying it tremendously! While some things have changed in the 10 years since I left, much has also remained the same. Imagine my surprise when I found my old mug still in the cupboard! I was delighted to learn that even the tea pot that I used so often was still there too.

     There are many familiar faces, both on staff and in the stacks. I am enjoying reconnecting with patrons and co-workers and being surrounded by books once again.  It is wonderful to feel that I have once again found my place in the working world.

      I formerly used this blog when I worked for the School Board to showcase new books in the school library.  I  halfheartedly continued it by switching to adult book recommendations, but I failed to keep it going.  I ventured away from blogging about books and somewhere along the way The Bookish Baker was born. I've always had a love for writing so I am excited to say that I'll be starting up this blog again! (Don't worry Bookish Baker fans, I'll still be keeping up that blog as well =)  

    I've revamped the look and layout and hope to fill this blog with new content that will allow me to share my love of books and reading.  My goal is to provide parents, caregivers and educators with inspiration, book reviews and literary resources.  I guess you could say that I'm jumping back in with both feet.  

Enjoy and happy reading!

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